Website Committee

The website for the town was originally conceived by the Selectboard and was given to the original Jay Focus Group for development.

As the site developed and the Jay Focus Group formed numerous committees, it became increasingly clear that the town's website needed to refocus on being under the authority of the Selectboard as it is owned by the town.

Today, the website development committee is operating under the direction of the Selectboard, but the website is, and will continue to be, a site for the community and visitors, by the community. All members of the website development committee are volunteers who are donating a tremendous amount of talent, energy and time in the development of the website.

We welcome anyone that would like to help out in the development and maintenance of the site. It does not take someone with a lot of computer experience or experience in website design. Our members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. All you need is a desire to help and you'll find that there are plenty of things for you to do.

Advertising monies will go directly to costs incurred by the web site which includes hosting fees, upgrades and search engines fees as well as other technology costs such as maintenance contracts for the future Cyber Cafe at the town hall.

Website Com
mittees Members:



Name In Real Life Phone Email
Denis Desjarlais


Peggy Loux
Website product specialist for Christmas Loft

Pat Sanders
Visual Arts Teacher - NCUHS

Advertising Consultants:

Name In Real Life Phone Email

Peter Fina
Licensed Real Estate Agent
802-323-7400 Click
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