Jay Focus Group Board of Directors


President Sally Rivard
Term Expires 10/2024
Vice President(s)
in charge of Community Events

Kellie Flanders

Kathy DiCarlo

Term Expires 10/2024
Treasurer  &
Executive Director
Peggy Loux
Term Expires 10/2024


Janice Kruse Term Expires 10/2024

Fundraising Team

Peggy  Loux
Sally Rivard
Shannon Escalante

All current Jay Focus Members and interested persons may attend the meetings to discuss events and fundraisers.

The monthly meetings are intended to keep  continuity and communications open with all Focus Group members.

All Focus Group Events and Fundraisers will be discussed at the monthly meeting, with committees formed for direct participation in the planning of the individual events and fundraisers.

Bylaws were voted and accepted at the December 2, 2008 meeting. Monthly meeting date will be posted on line.

As of April 30, 2009, the Jay Focus Group received their 501(c)3 Charitable Organization designation under the Internal Revenue Code. 

Volunteers include but not limited to:

Dave & Kellie Flanders 
Janice & Svein Kruse
Mary & Arnold Cota
Pat & Dave Sanders
Sally Rivard
Peggy Loux
Debby Talty
Donna McAllister 
Cathy Miller
Sue Malone
Charlie Schurman 
Kathy & Bill DiCarlo
Cindy Longe
Ron Kapeluck & Denise Rossignol
Colleen Lensing
Sue Cole
Denny Lyster
Ladonna Dunn
Shannon Escalante









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