If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, call 1-800-649-5285 to report it. The 24-hour VT Child Protection Line makes it easy for you to share your concerns about a child with a trained social worker.
Your call could protect a child, get help for a family, and may even save a child’s life.
Who must report child abuse?
- Chiropractor, dentist, licensed practical nurse, medical examiner, mental health professional, osteopath, physician, physician’s assistant, psychologist, pharmacist, registered nurse, surgeon, or any other health care provider
- Hospital administrator, intern, or resident physician in any hospital in the state
- School guidance counselor, librarian, principal, superintendent, or teacher
- Child care worker
- Police officer or probation workers
- Social worker
- Member of the clergy
- Residential and non-residential camp administrator, counselor, or owner
- As of January 1, 2009, emergency medical personnel (24 V.S.A.) and any individual regularly employed by a school district or contracted and paid by a school district to provide student services for five or more hours per week during the school year.