Jay Area Food Shelf Survey - are you or someone you know in need?

Jay Area Food Shelf (JAFS) is gathering information about the needs of our communities.
Please complete this form and return it anonymously to the dropbox at your town clerk's office.  

Jay Area Food Shelf is located in the basement of the Jay Town Hall, 1036 Vt Route 242, Jay. Hours: Thursday 9 am - Noon and serves Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield.  Thank you! 


  1.  Do you take advantage of the Jay Area Food Shelf?  (Circle One)

Yes                  No

  1.  If not, would you want to?   (Circle One)      

Yes                  No

  1. If not, what prevents you from taking advantage of the Jay Area Food Shelf? (Transportation? Hours of Operation? Other? Please explain.)  


  1.  If you do use the JAFS, what items would you like to see at the food shelf? (Please list.)  


 If you do not access the Jay Area Food Shelf and you would like to, please contact Kim Lucier at  848-3133 or kimlucier1961@gmail.com



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