Do you need help getting thru these uncertain times? NEK Resource Guide

Northeast Kingdom of Vermont COVID-19 Resource List 

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please call your doctor before leaving home. (see health center list below). 


Call Vermont's resource line by dialing 2-1-1 with any questions about coronavirus or general questions about help and services in Vermont. 

For the latest guidance, visit:


Vermont Department of Public Safety:

The Vermont Department of public safety has launched a reporting tool for the public to file concerns regarding COVID-19 and essential businesses. Public complaints regarding businesses believed to be operating outside parameters of the executive order, may be submitted online at






Do you or someone you know need help getting groceries, childcare, prescriptions, running errands, transportation to, healthcare, chores, animal care or other things? Torequesthelpsignuphere.


We all need to help reduce the spread of the virus by staying home. Together, we need to make sure that all community members have what they need to stay home, whether sick or healthy. TovolunteertohelppeopleaffectedbytheCOVID-19 pandemicsignuphere.


→ See here for the latestvolunteeropportunities in the region.


Mask making: To supplement the inventory of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at NVRH and other regional healthcare facilities, please help our community of volunteers who have started to sew masks and gowns. This is in response to the CenterforDiseaseControl'sguidance that homemademasksandgownsareacrisisresponseoptionwhenothersupplieshavebeenexhausted. If you can’t sew but want to donate, we need 1/4” or 3/8” flat elastic and 100% cotton fabric (new and unwashed!). Visit for directions and more information.



Call Vermont's resource line by dialing 2-1-1


Grocery Stores: Many are offering curbside pick and delivery options. Call your local store for assistance. Seelisthere. VRGAwebformto help people find stores providing designated store hours and alternative shopping methods


Large network of volunteers to assist with grocery shopping or errands for those who do feel they can get out for those items. To volunteer or request help contact the NEK Council on Aging helpline 800-642-5119.


Local Farms: Many farms are offering pickup or delivery options. Seelisthere.


Restaurants: See a list of restaurants offering takeout and curbside service at

Schools Meals: Many schools are providing FREE meals for ALL children aged 18 and under. Call 211 to be connected with the person in their school district who will help their family access food or visit Hunger Free Vermont’s listofschoolmealdeliveryprograms. NEK schools:

  • North Country Supervisory Union (Brighton, Charleston, Coventry, Derby, Jay, Lowell, Newport City, Newport Center, Troy, Westfield)  at
  • Orleans South Supervisory Union (Craftsbury, Hardwick, Greensboro, Wolcott, Woodbury) at
  • Orleans Central Supervisory Union (Albany, Barton, Brownington, Glover, Irasburg, Orleans) at
  • Caledonia Central Supervisory Union at
  • St. Johnsbury School District (St. Johnsbury) at
  • Kingdom East (Burke, Concord, Lunenburg, Lyndon, Newark, Sheffield, Sutton, or Wheelock) at
  • Essex North Supervisory Union (Beecher Falls, Bloomfield, Canaan, Lemington, Norton, Stewartstown and West Stewartstown) at



Agency of Human Services-Economic Services Division

EconomicServicesDivision & COVID-19

You can apply for benefits or call to have your questions answered by calling the Benefits Service Center at 1‐800‐479‐6151



3SquaresVT: If you’re struggling to pay for food, 3SquaresVT can help! Visit, call  855-855-6181 or text ‘VFBSNAP’ to  855-11.


WIC: If you’re pregnant, a caregiver, or a parent with a child under five, WIC gives you access to healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, and breastfeeding support. Text ‘VTWIC ’ to 855-11 or visit


Home Delivered Meals for Older Vermonters: For information about pickup and delivery meals for older adults, please call the Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 or 802-748-5182. The Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging coordinates this program throughout the  Kingdom.


Commodities Supplemental Food Program: Provides free monthly food to lower income older adults. Find out more here.


Food shelves: To find a food shelf near you, visit

  • FaithinAction, Lyndonville VT - Call 802.626.1212 for emergency food or transportation needs.
  • NortheastKingdomCommunityAction Newport area -1-802-334-7316 open daily from 12 PM - 2 PM Island Pond (802-723-5276) Canaan - (802-266-7134) for food, fuel, utility, housing, and childcare assistance, and navigation of other needs for the community.
  • NortheastKingdomCommunityAction Parent Child Center - St Johnsbury - 802-748-6040.  We are open 8:30 am - 4pm by phone call only for food, fuel, utility, housing, 3squares, and Parent Child assistance, and navigation of other needs, supports, and family connections for the community.  We are a pick up location for the food shelf.  Please call and leave your name, address, phone number, number of people in your family.  Food boxes are ready every other week.  Emergency food baskets are available as well.  Please call and leave a detailed message along with a call back phone number
  • Kingdom Community Services Food Shelf - Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Noon--3:45 PM. Location is 36 Steeple Place, between United Community and St. John's Churches off Main Street. Orders taken on the porch. Please come prepared to stand/sit outside.
  • Orleans Community Food Shelf - 802-754-6486  Located at Orleans Federated Church, 24 School Street.  Serving the towns included in the Orleans Central Supervisory Union. Please call as answering machine will list distribution dates and times. Next prepacked bag distribution Monday April 6th from 8:30-10:30am.
  • Sheffield Food Pantry - 802-328-0960. Covers people who qualify within 20 miles of Sheffield, for example Wheelock, Sutton, Newark, and excluding towns that have food pantries in them like Lyndon and St. Johnsbury. Name, address and contact info is required. More people can now qualify for the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Download the income eligibility form here. As of April 1, there is no more self service. Volunteers are preparing boxes and delivering them on two Thursdays/month, or arrangements can be made if you are able to pick up a box.
  • Hardwick Area Food Pantry - 802-472-5940 Located at 39 W. Church St. Hardwick VT. We have pre-packed boxes of non-perishables and our volunteers will bring them out to the sidewalk for you to pick up, in addition to packing a bag of perishables for you when you come. All households in the area with an income less than 300% of the poverty level are eligible to come in twice a month – with unlimited visits to pick up produce and USDA items. For example, the poverty level for a household of four is an annual income of $38,280. To get the poverty level for larger families, add $13,440 for each additional person in the household. Our open hours are Mon. noon-2pm, Sat. and Thurs. 9-11AM.


Community Meals: Community meal centers prepare nutritious meals to share with friends and neighbors. Due to the current health crisis community meals have been suspended.   Some meals sites are preparing to go meals:  Contact the Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging to learn about current meal options 800-642-5119 or 802-748-5182.



Veggie Van Go: Fresh produce market in partnership with Vermont Foodbank and NVRH.  Third Thursday of the month from 10 – 11 at NVRH.  For April (and possibly May), it will be held outdoors at NVRH. Please arrive after 9:30 AM, stay in your vehicle and they will bring the veggies to you. Volunteers will be on site directing traffic.



Agency of Human Services-Economic Services Division: Use ouronlineapplication to apply for 3SquaresVT, Essential Person, Fuel Assistance & Reach Up.You can apply for benefits or call to have your questions answered by calling the Benefits Service Center at 1‐800‐479‐6151


NortheastKingdomCommunityAction is available to help community members access food, fuel, utility, housing, and childcare assistance programs. Call:

  • Newport: 802-829-2450
  • Island Pond: 802-723-5276
  • Canaan: 802-266-7134
  • St Johnsbury: 802-748-6040


NEKCouncilonAging has Information & Referral Specialists to help older Vermonters in need of food and fuel access the resources of our community partners. Call: 1-800-642-5119.


RuralEdge is offering financial counseling to folks who may have lost a job or are concerned about making payments through it’s Home Ownership Center. To talk with a certified counselor call 802-535-3555 or by email at  to make an appointment.


NorthernCountiesHealthCare is asking patients to call our Community Resource Coordinator Team at (802) 748-9405 x1042 or e-mail


Need help finding a healthcare provider? Connecting with services or support groups? Not even sure what services you qualify for or how to access them? The CommunityHealthWorkersofCommunityConnections will take the time to talk with you to determine which social and community services you need, and then help connect you to the right people at the right services. The Community Health Workers are uniquely familiar with the many agencies, organizations, and individuals in the area. They know who to call to get you an appointment, health information, legal services, medical transportation assistance, or a place to live.


Call Vermont's resource line by dialing 2-1-1


Agency of Human Services-Economic Services Division EconomicServicesDivision & COVID-19. You can apply for benefits or call to have your questions answered by calling the Benefits Service Center at 1‐800‐479‐6151


RuralEdge has subsidized and fair market rental units. Please call: 802-535-3555. Applications are also available online.


NEKCA has transitional housing and shelter supports for single adults and housing for precariously housed families during this pandemic. NEKCA also has a landlord list for people in need of rental housing. To find out more, contact 802-829-2450.


Northeast Kingdom Youth Services support youth in the NEK overnight shelter for runaway/youth and after-hours crisis line call 802-748-8732. 


Umbrella has a 24-hour hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Please call the hotline for support and if you are fleeing domestic/sexual violence to determine eligibility for housing/shelter assistance. In Caledonia and southern Essex counties call: 802-748-8645. In Orleans and northern Essex counties call: 802-334-0148.


NEK Council on Aging can assist with assessing housing options relative to the person and assist in completing applications. For more information, contact 800-642-5119


Crisis Fuel from Department for Children and Families: You may call 1-800-479-6151 toll-free — on weekends and holidays — to apply for emergency heating assistance. You can only do this starting the last Saturday in November until the first Sunday in April. It is best to do this as early as possible, as funds do run out.


Covid Testing now available (all by appointment, call your doctor to schedule):

  • NVRH: M-F, 9-4 PM
  • North Country: MWF, 1-3 PM
  • Island Pond Health Center: Tu & Th, 1-3 PM
  • Copley:  M-F, 2-4 PM


Health Insurance: VT Health Connect has a Special Enrollment Period. If you don’t have health insurance, sign up with Vermont Health Connect by April 17 at or 855-899-9600.


NEK Health Centers - please call first:

  • Concord Health Center - 201 East Main Street, Concord, VT 05824, (802) 695-2512
  • Corner Medical - 195 Industrial Parkway, Lyndon, VT 05849, 802-748-9501
  • Danville Health Center - 26 Cedar Lane, Danville, VT 05828, (802) 684-2275
  • Hardwick Area Health Center - 4 Slapp Hill, Hardwick, VT 05843, (802) 472-3300
  • Island Pond Health Center - 82 Maple Street, Island Pond, VT 05846, (802) 723-4300
  • Kingdom Internal Medicine - 714 Breezy Hill Road, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, (802)-748-7500
  • St. Johnsbury Health Center - 185 Sherman Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, (802) 748-5041
  • St. Johnsbury Pediatrics - 97 Sherman Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, (802) 748-5131


Dental Care: People needing to discuss urgent dental care should call their dentist. Community members without a dentist may call the Orleans Dental Center to discuss urgent or emergency care at (802) 754-6973.


Domestic Violence, Sexual Assualt Support: Umbrella has a 24-hour hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence for safety planning, options counseling, legal advocacy, and other supports. In Caledonia and southern Essex counties call: 802-748-8645. In Orleans and northern Essex counties call: 802-334-0148.


Mental health, substance use, or intellectual and developmental disability needs: Northeast Kingdom Human Services crisis services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for. Call (802) 334-6744 in Derby or (802) 748-3181 in St. Johnsbury. Additional information at: Call 749-1111 from anywhere in VT.


Support groups: Kingdom Recovery Center offers peer support over the phone support or by Zoom meetings for individuals and family members affected by alcohol, drugs, or other substance use disorders. Call 802-751-8520 for more information. BAART offers medically assisted treatment for individuals seeking recovery from an Opiate addiction. Call 802-748-6166 for help. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings online at

Northeast Kingdom Human Services (NKHS) have set up a Behavior Support Line for parents needing help with their children during this time at home. Currently it is being staffed from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with hopes to expanding it to 24/7 coverage. You will be asked to leave your number and you will receive a call back within 15 minutes. The telephone number to access these services is (802) 749-1111.



The Crisis Textline offers 24/7 emotional help. Text: “VT” to 741741


Crisis, case management and therapy: Lamoille County Mental Health provides comprehensive community mental health, children, family, and person-centered developmental disability services. LCMHS continues to provide services to the community and can be accessed via telephone. Services offered include crisis, case management and therapy. If consumers have the internet capacity, we are also offering tele-health services. Monday through Thursday 8am – 4:30pm, Friday 8am – 3:30pm Phone number: 802-888-5026 After-hours crisis services: 802-888-8888


National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


Vermont Suicide Prevention Center: Text VT to 741741


National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE


Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746



Essential Service Transportation: Rural Community Transportation (RCT) coordinates travel for residents to their non-emergency medical appointments and to access essential services such nutrition needs as grocery shopping or community dining sites. All riders must call (802) 748-8170 to request a ride.

  •  The Jay-Lyn/Jay-Lyn Express and Highlander shuttle bus services will operate on a Dial-A-Ride basis for access to essential goods and services throughout St. Johnsbury, Lyndonville, Newport, Derby and Derby Line.  Call one business day in advance to schedule your ride.
  • We continue to ask all passengers to refrain from using the bus if you are able to self-transport in order to maximize social distancing and minimize the risk of transmission.
  • All passengers will be required to call to request a pick-up the day before their planned trip.  Capacity of buses will be kept low to allow for social distancing onboard.  Please leave at least one empty row of seats between you and the nearest passenger/driver.
  • All passengers will be screened by ride coordinators for potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus, whether you are exhibiting symptoms of illness, and to confirm your travel meets the definition of “essential.”  Your trip may be approved or denied based on this screening.


Grocery delivery assistance: the NEK Council on Aging has a large network of volunteers to assist with grocery shopping or errands for those who do feel they can get out for those items. To volunteer or request help contact our helpline 800-642-5119.


FREE Prescription Delivery: Walgreens and KinneyDrugs are offering FREE prescription delivery. Visit their websites or call for more information.



Internet access: Comcast, VTel, Charter Communications, and other providers are offering discounted rates to households with K-12 and/or college students who don’t already have internet through the company. SeeoptionsforInternetlist


Discount internet options for remote learning here.


Map of WiFi access from public parking lots: These spots are accessible all hours from a parked vehicle:


  • Spark Co-working Space (Greensboro, VT) - also available from the parking lot! WiFi info is posted on Fellowship Hall doors at the GUCC, and WonderArts is putting out free takeaways for families every Monday, including creative materials, books, and activities.
  • While many libraries are closed, Wifi is still on and patrons can use our wifi from outside the building.
  • DoNorthCoworking members will retain the ability to access Do North’s high-speed internet from the parking lots and immediate proximity outside the coworking space; access to the coworking space itself is not possible. Reduced priced day passes to
  • access internet from the parking lot can be purchased at
  • Lyndon Live Public WIFI (Town of Lyndon and Envision Lyndon) Secure Public Access Wireless on Depot Street and around Bandstand Park (Coverage/Signal Strength Map Here) no password, agreeing to terms of service allow for access
  • The Burke Connection in East Burke in and around the Green and Country Store and Kingdom Trails Headquarters has Secure Public Access Wireless (heat map here) no password, agreeing to terms of service apply for open access
  • Outside the kingdom across river in Littleton NH there is Public Wireless on Main Street and near the River District Area (Heat Map here) access is secure, with no password and a click through splash page for access.
  • In Canaan anyone can come to the Canaan Schools parking lot or surrounding areas of the schools and access the Canaan-Public network without having to use a password to access the internet.
  • Canaan, VT: Alice M. Ward Memorial Library free wifi from your parked car. Network: AWML  password: AliceWardLibrary1




Banking: Take advantage of online banking, mobile banking apps, including mobile deposit capture, ATMs and drive through tellers.


Benefits programs:


Emergency loans:


Utilities: The Vermont Public Utility Commission ordered a temporary moratorium on involuntary natural gas, electric and telecommunications service disconnections. This means that if you are not able to make your payments for natural gas, electricity or land-line telephones, you will not be shut off. However, charges will still accrue during this time. You will have to make up the payments at a later date.

  • Hardwick Electric Department will suspend all residential disconnection processes as of 8 AM on 3/18/20 until 5/1/20.Questions should go to Mike Sullivan, HED General Manager, or 472-5201
  • Vermont Electric Coop has suspended service for disconnections from 3/16 through the end of April. Regular billing will continue for all members.


Farm help: NOFA-VT is offering payment to experienced milkers to help step in when farmers get sick. This relief is available to ALL dairy farmers and farm workers. Email to learn more.


Taxes: Follow thislink to find out what you need to know about filing and paying your taxes this year.


Grant programs:

  • NewEnglandGrassrootsEnvironmentalFund - Rapid Response Seed grant program available to grassroots groups responding to local needs and building resilience in their community in response to the COVID19 pandemic and associated events. We commit to making decisions and getting dollars out the door as fast as we can. Our Seed grant program has a brief online application and requests can be up to $1,000
  • StartupReliefFund- This grant is for anyone in the Entrepreneurship community. You may have an existing business being impacted by COVID-19 or you may be studying Entrepreneurship (currently having a full time job). If you’ve lost your income, lost your job and are in serious short-term need - please let us know below. We are considering anyone who urgently needs money for groceries, gas, medications, transportation and other necessities.
  • FreelancersReliefFund - Freelancers Relief Fund will offer financial assistance of up to $1,000 per freelance household to cover lost income and essential expenses not covered by government relief programs, including: Food/food supplies;  Utility payments;  Cash assistance to cover income loss. 100% of all donations will be distributed directly to freelancers in need. Applications for funding will open on April 2, 2020.
  • VerizonSmallBusinessRecoveryFund - LISC will use the Verizon funding to provide grants of up to $10,000 to businesses facing immediate financial pressure because of COVID-19—especially entrepreneurs of color, women-owned businesses and other enterprises in historically underserved communities who don’t have access to flexible, affordable capital.
  • VTCOVID-19 ResponseFund - to support nonprofits that are particularly equipped to address community impacts of the spread of the novel coronavirus in Vermont. Working with state, federal, municipal, public health, and nonprofit leadership, the Community Foundation will provide flexible resources to nonprofits working to address the most immediate public health and economic impacts of the disease, focusing on vulnerable populations and the service providers that support them.
  • HelloAliceCOVID-19 SmallBusinessResourceCenter - Among other resources, offering $10,000 grants being distributed immediately to small business owners impacted by coronavirus, as part of our broader mission to ensure Business for All.


Federal Emergency Relief Package

What You Need to Know about Direct Aid to Individuals:

  • $1,200 one-time, direct payment to all eligible adults making $75,000 and under per year
  • $500 one-time, direct payment per child per household
  • One-time, reduced income-based payment for individuals making between $75,000 and $99,000 and for couples making between $150,000 and $198,000



How to Receive Your Economic Relief Check:


If you've filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019:

If you are income eligible, you will receive a payment. No action is required on your part. If the IRS has your direct deposit information, it will be deposited into your bank account. The IRS will soon make a website available to update your direct deposit information to speed up delivery of the payment, otherwise you will receive a check in the mail. Please note: if the IRS does not have your bank information, it may take several months for you to receive a check.


If you are normally not required to file a federal return and you are a Social Security beneficiary who receives a SSA-1099:

You also will receive a payment and no action is required on your part. It will be directly deposited into your bank account – or you will receive a check in the mail.


If you are normally not required to file a federal tax return and you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) with no other types of Social Security benefits:

You may receive a notification from the Treasury for the additional information you will need to file to receive your check. The IRS is encouraging anyone who has not filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file a simple tax return as soon as possible and to include direct deposit information on the return. The IRS will be issuing details on what additional actions SSI recipients need to take in the coming days. Visit the following IRS website for updates:


If you are normally not required to file a federal tax return and currently qualify for public assistance programs:

For example, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid — at this point in time — you will not automatically get the check. You will need to file a tax return for 2019. Visit the IRS website for updates on when the simple tax return will be available:

Non-filers, EnterPaymentInfohere


If you are required to file a tax return and have not for 2018 and 2019:

You can file for free using IRS' Free File program here: As stated, the IRS is developing a simplified tax return form that will be available on the IRS website soon to make this process even easier.


FOR MORE INFORMATION - The IRS has created a special page on their website with the latest official updates on the disbursement of the economic relief checks and other tax-related coronavirus relief programs. You can find the page here:



ESTABLISHING YOUR CLAIM: If you are laid off from your employer and need to file for Unemployment Insurance benefits, orestablishanunemploymentclaim.

  • Establish your initial claim OR
  • Establish your claim by calling: 1-877-214-3330 or 1-888-807-7072
  • Existing UI Claimants: If you have specific questions, please view the frequentlyaskedquestions or contact the Vermont Department of Labor Claimant Assistance line at 877-214-3332. Please understand that they are experiencing high call volume.
  • The Vermont Department of Labor is offering a weekly VirtualTownHall, Unemployment 101 for claimants on Wednesday’s from 8:30-9:15. The event will be recorded and available on the department’s YouTubeChannel.
  • Register for the UINewsletter to receive ongoing updates and notices.




Employment Opportunities: Visit Vermontjoblink and create or log into your account to search and apply for work. Businesses featured below and more, are hiring. Contact your local VermontDepartmentofLaborResourceCenter for remote assistance updating your resume, writing a cover letter and/or submitting your application.

Featured Jobs:
HighMowingOrganicSeeds                          VJL Job Order #658714
USCustoms & BorderProtection                  
CabotCreamery                                             VJL Job Order #624366


Small business owners and nonprofits are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan from U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) due to COVID-19. Loan info and additional guidance at


Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development guidance, including essential business information, technical assistance resources, and financial resources at


Vermont Department of Labor guidance, including information on the potential impact on unemployment insurance benefits, employee sick-time, paid leave, and other issues at EmployerVirtualTownHallSeries.


Main Street Alliance resource list for small businesses at



Community Capital of Vermont, Flexible Capital Fund, Northeastern Vermont Development Association, Northern Community Investment Corporation, Opportunities Credit Union, Vermont Community Loan Fund, Vermont Economic Development Authority, Vermont State Employees Credit Union, and local banks.


The VT Small Business Development Center is here to help curate, decipher, and disseminate critical information into manageable, practical action steps specifically for your business: Small Businesses should contact Ross Hart, the SBDC Area Advisor: or (802) 535-4240.


Northeastern Vermont Development Association (NVDA) provides business financing, technical assistance, training and education, grants, and other support to businesses in the region. See


Northern Community Investment Corporation (NCIC) offers local businesses technical assistance, financial management, marketing support, and business loans. See Direct lending questions to Mark Butterfield,, 603-991-0236 or business support to Jon Freeman,, 802.535.7229.


SCORE offers free business mentoring and education at


Center for Women & Enterprise offers no-cost business counseling and online workshops for entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses at They are offering weekly onlineBrainTrusts that allow entrepreneurs to connect with each other and strategize solutions for each other’s businesses.


Mental Health Resources: 24/7 emotional help Crisis Textline Text: “VT” to 741741 or call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.


Mental Health, Substance Use, or Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services: Northeast Kingdom Human Services crisis services continue to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call (802) 334-6744 in Derby or (802) 748-3181 in St. Johnsbury. Additional information at:


Support Groups: Kingdom Recovery Center offers peer support over the phone support or by Zoom meetings for individuals and family members affected by alcohol, drugs, or other substance use disorders. Call 802-751-8520 for more information. BAART offers medically assisted treatment for individuals seeking recovery from an Opiate addiction. Call 802-748-6166 for help. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings online at Additional resources at Onlinerecoveryresources/ meetings


Domestic Violence, Sexual Assualt Support: Umbrella has a 24-hour hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence for safety planning, options counseling, legal advocacy, and other supports. In Caledonia and southern Essex counties call: 802-748-8645. In Orleans and northern Essex counties call: 802-334-0148.


PathwaysVermontSupportLine: Reach out to your neighbors, connect with your chosen family, and call or text the Pathways Vermont Support Line. Open from 3 PM to 6 AM. Connect with an operator by dialing (833) VT - TALKS / (833) 888 - 2557


Parent Support Line: This line is a dedicated warm line for parents and guardians to access when having difficulty managing their children’s behaviors at home. It is staffed by NKHS’s Children’s Department clinicians. Call 802-749-1111.


Additional resources:

- (simple but effective website for those experiencing anxiety around COVID-19)

-        Vermont Telephone Recovery Support line: 802-808-8877

-        CDC Managing Anxiety and Stress with COVID 19 CDC

-        Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak WHO

-        National Alliance Mental Illness NAMI NAMI

-        Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with the Coronavirus (Covid-19)  TheNationalChildTraumaticStressNetwork

-        Narcotics Anonymous meetings online:

-        Telehealth Services (via phone or video) at St. Johnsbury Psychology Associates ( and other therapists in the area.

-        Call to schedule Telehealth Behavioral Health Services for patients of Concord Health Center (802) 695-2512), Danville Health Center ((802) 684-2275), Hardwick Area Health Center ((802) 472-3300), Island Pond Health Center ((802) 723-4300), St. Johnsbury Community Health Center ((802) 748-5041)

-        Build and Maintain Mental Health

-        VTAlcoholicsAnonymous

-        CraftsburyMentalHealthResourcesBooklet lists therapists and other mental health resources in the NEK.


-        CraftsburyMentalHealthResourcesGroupwebsite has a wealth of information about suicide help/prevention and mental health and wellbeing.



  • Congregation Beth El in St. Johnsbury serves the Jewish community of the Northeast Kingdom. Currently, we offer via Zoom (phone or online): Friday evening worship (candle lighting, abbreviated worship, community conversation; Passover Second Night Seder, Thursday, April 9. Contact Jill Minkoff,, phone 802.748.5683
  • Convivia/StJ   Working to connect neighbors, have meaning in our lives, and experience the holy. The Rev. Ann Hockridge and the Rev. Susan Ohlidal, priests in the Episcopal tradition, are the pastors of Convivia/StJ . Two on-line gatherings via Zoom video conferencing (video and phone access) :  Pub Theology, weekly on Wednesday, 6 PM, interfaith discussion group; The Table Gathering, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month, 6:30 PM, worship with Eucharist/Communion.  Contact:
  • St. Johnsbury Shambhala Center   1. Sunday Meditation Hour, 10 - 11 am every Sunday on Zoom. The session includes meditation instruction, practice, a reading and a discussion. All are welcome. Click on this link: Click on 'Sunday Meditation'. 2. Learn to Meditate, every Wednesday, 6 - 8 pm. This session includes meditation instruction, practice, a brief talk and discussion. All are welcome. Click on this link: Click on 'Learn to Meditate" to register Contact Caroline DeMaio,, 802-748-9338
  • Third Congregational Church and the Lower Waterford Congregational Church, gathering together on Sunday mornings at 10am via Zoom.  Prayer, music, scripture, and conversation.  Contact the Rev. Ann Hockridge at
  • Universalist Unitarian Congregation of St. Johnsbury     Worship service every Sunday from 10:30 am - 11:30 am.  Services available on Zoom; can use the land and cell phones to participate as well.  Contact:  Rev. Susan-Lynn Johns,  (Phone:  802-748-2442).  Connection information on our website:



NEKWMD can connect individuals with companies that offer pick up in their area for the 49 towns served by NEKWMD. Call 802-626-3532 or 1-800-734-4602. Drop off services for recycling centers have changed. See updates at


A complete list of registered haulers can be found at


-        100 Activitiestodoathomeduringschoolclosures

-        Tenfunwebsitesforyourkids

-        Anti-Oppressive/Anti-RacistHomeSchoolOptionsDuringQuarantine

-        EducationCompaniesOfferingFreeSubscriptionsduetoSchoolClosings

-        12 museumsthatoffervirtualtours

-        COVID-19 SocialDistancingwithFamilies

-        HomewithKids? AdvicefromaHomeschoolMom

-        ParisMuseums

-        ScholasticLearnatHome

-        MoWillemsweeklylivedoodle!

-        KidsYoga

-        CincinnatiZoobringstheanimalstoyou!

-        CosmicKidsYoga

-        CalAcademyEducatorsLessonPlans

-        SchoolsOut, PodcastsareIn

-        MetOpera

-        KidsActivitiesBlog

-        WeAreTeachers.Com

-        FairbanksMuseum & PlanetariumVirtualClassroom

-        ECHOScienceandStories series updated weekly through April

-        Education Reimagined DistanceLearningResourceCenter

-        Free loan of ebooks and audiobooks here


  • Free ebooks at
  • Free loan of ebooks and audiobooks here
  • ATHENAEUM The foyer facing Main Street will remain open while we are closed. Resources available: free books, checked-out books for patrons who have contacted us via phone or requests through their own account, 2 computers for information look up, request box for library materials, flexible return dates for library materials (no fines).
  • AliceM. WardMemorialLibrary  We are answering phone messages and emails at this time. Please visit our Facebook Page for up to date links about COVID-19, educational resources, read alouds and motivational cheer. When time allows we are calling patrons to continue that friendly hello you get at our library, please call or email us too at to get on that call list if you wish, we are happy to stay in touch with you. We are offering others to participate in “The Rainbow Connection” where we paint or draw rainbows and tape these images up in our windows for the children to count on their daily walks and bicycle rides. “After Every Storm is a rainbow.” Our wifi is free and on 24/7 from your parked car use the AWML network, and password AliceWardLibrary1 802-266-7135
  • JeudevineMemorialLibrary  - Visit the Jeudevine website or Facebook page for information and services we are offering online at this time. Under the Kids' Space tab you can find links to free audio and ebooks, films, crafts, and more plus Social Distancing Storytime videos!
  • CraftsburyPublicLibrary
  • Greensboro Free Library Currently we are closed & not accepting book returns. Please visit our website or Facebook page for up to date information and services we are offering at this time including audiobooks, online classes, free resources, crafts, storytimes, etc. Wifi is available from your car outside the library. Stay safe.



If you are having a legal or benefits problem related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, contact Vermont Legal Aid at 1-800-889-2047 or



  • Consider purchasing gift certificates from local small businesses and donating directly to local nonprofit organizations.
  • Green Mountain United Way COVID-19 Relief & ResponseFund100% of the dollars raised through this fund will be used to support organizations and people in Central Vermont and the three counties of the Northeast Kingdom. Understanding your commitment to your local community, we have included the choice to support the entire region, or you can target your donation to serve your neighbors in Central Vermont (Washington & No. Orange Co.), the Northern NEK (Orleans & N. Essex Co.), or Southern NEK (Caledonia & S. Essex Co.).
  • The Vermont Community Foundation has set-up a VTCOVD-19 ResponseFund to help both with emergency response efforts and longer term recovery.
  • Donate PPE: Donations of N95 masks, medical and industrial grade or surgical masks can be brought to your nearest State Police Barracks. You can find the location nearest to you here:
  • Give blood: Visit the American Red Cross to learn how to safely donate blood:
  • Support your local Food Bank. Donate online or you can text GIVEHEALTH to 85511. If you're in need of help, please visit
  • VermontFarmFund Donations will support availability of Emergency Loan funds for Vermont food producers who are suffering COVID-19-related losses.
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