CSFP Commodity Supplemental Food Program - who is eligible, guidelines, how to sign up.

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a USDA nutrition program that offers free monthly nutrition information and a box of nutritrious foods.

Do you know someone in need of free monthly boxes?

CSFP eligibility.

  • 60 years of age or older, living in Vermont and income-eligible.
  • A child under 6 years of age and not already in the WIC program.
  • A woman who is pregnant or post-partum for less than a year and not already in the WIC program.
  • Individual and/or household income will be used to determine eligibility.
  • Each household member may be eligible, and will need to complete and application form.

Each eligible person receives his or her own box of nutritious foods once a month delievered to the Community Food Shelf in Jay Town Hall. Pick up is available from 9am-noon each Thursday. People can participate in other commodity programs at the same time, but they cannot be enrolled in more than one CSFP site.

Sample Income Guidlines
          1 person    $1106. per month
          2 people    $1483. per month
          1 person    $1574. per month
          2 people    $2111. per month

Go to your local Community Food Shelf ( for the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy, Westfield) located in the Jay Town Hall, Thursdays, 9am-noon to get application and sign up, or call Kim Arel at 802.848.3133 or the VT Food Bank at 800.585.2265 to have questions answered and to enroll). 

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