Chloe Rose Neva Watts

Chloe Rose Neva Watts

Chloe Rose Neva Watts, 21, the daugh­ter of Dana Chudy-Hor­ton and Ron Hor­ton, died on Sat­ur­day, March 21, 2020, in her sleep on a plane, while on her way home from Oglethorpe Uni­ver­sity, a place she truly loved.  She was com­ing home to be with her fam­ily and, prob­a­bly most of all, her lit­tle Jack Rus­sell Ter­rier, Rain.  The two of them had a girl/​dog re­la­tion­ship that was heart­warm­ing to watch.  Rain is still wait­ing for Chloe to walk through that door and curls up on any­thing that re­minds her of her “Mud­der.”   

 Chloe (Dav­e’s Bug) is sur­vived by her dad, David Watts, and his wife, Ra­mona Watts, of Hawaii; her brother Colin Watts who is in the Air Force in Turkey and his wife, Ash­ley, and Chloe’s niece Eliz­a­beth, both from San An­to­nio, Texas; her aunt Sandy Morse; her cousins Je­remy Morse, Regina Morse, and lit­tle cousin De­clan of British Co­lum­bia, Canada; her un­cle Kevin Chudy; her aunt Laura Miller; her aunt Tami Watts; her un­cles Terry and Wayne Watts, of Ore­gon; and her adopted gramma An­nette Stone of Port­land, Ore­gon.  

She was pre­de­ceased by her grand­moth­ers Lela Dominy and Car­olyn Chudy; and her grandpa Nick Watts.  

The fam­ily is ex­ten­sive and far apart, and many oth­ers grieve with us dur­ing this un­ex­pected tragic event. 

 Chloe/​Neva was a ju­nior at Oglethorpe Uni­ver­sity in At­lanta, Geor­gia, where she was a psy­chol­ogy ma­jor and on the dean’s list.  She or­ga­nized the “This Is War” (#Thi­sIsWar) cam­paign, a cam­paign against phys­i­cal, sex­ual, and men­tal abuse, through her award-win­ning pho­tog­ra­phy works rec­og­nized at the Mont­gomery Arts Cen­ter in Mont­gomery, and through Oglethorpe­chell­work­​2018-an­chell-in­ter­na­tional-doc­u­men­tary-photo-schol­ar­ship/.   

 Chloe grad­u­ated in 2017 from North Coun­try Union High School in New­port and was in­volved in art, the­ater, and choir.  She grad­u­ated with hon­ors and re­ceived a full scholas­tic schol­ar­ship to Oglethorpe Uni­ver­sity.  While there, she found the com­plete so­cial re­la­tion­ships she missed through many years of med­ical re­align­ment since hav­ing a stroke dur­ing surgery at age nine.  Her full med­ical story can be found at www.Chloe­ 

With all her chal­lenges Chloe held down a full load at school, was vice pres­i­dent of the po­ets so­ci­ety, worked on cam­pus to help pay for ex­penses, and even vol­un­teered at an an­i­mal shel­ter.    

 Chloe was also a Make A Wish of Ver­mont am­bas­sador.  Yes, Chloe was a Make A Wish kid and filled her wish at age 15 when she hugged, and then walked into the oval of­fice, with Pres­i­dent Obama.  When they met it was al­most like a fa­ther daugh­ter re­union.  For twenty-five min­utes the two of them talked like they had known each other all their lives. 

 Chloe grew won­der­ful re­la­tion­ships with her suit­e­m­ates, her cho­sen fam­ily, and “The Dwee­bles” as she called them, and oth­ers in the Oglethorpe com­mu­nity.  Most no­tably were Prek­sha, Har­ri­son, Emma, Jonathon, Ian, Raquel, Re­becca, Becky, Cameron, and Lee.  

Lo­cally Chloe had a vast num­ber of spe­cial friends.  Lead­ing the way would have to be Kai­lyn Mc­Gre­gor.  The list of friends would be too long and too in­com­plete for me to at­tempt to list every­one.  But you know who you are.  Chloe’s love reached you and was un­de­ni­able.  And we thank you for giv­ing her your love. 

 As any­one who knew her would at­test, Chloe was one of the bravest, most in­tel­li­gent, most kind and car­ing, per­sons this world has known.  Her hu­mil­ity is a stand­out char­ac­ter trait Dana most no­ticed.  Oth­ers said she was the best lis­tener they had ever known.  She loved fully.  She im­mersed her­self in learn­ing.  She read books as fast as they were printed.  She sang beau­ti­fully.  She hummed all day long.  She loved life even though hers’ had been so sav­agely al­tered.  And most of all, Chloe loved her mama.  

These two were one sole sep­a­rated by the thinnest of threads.  I would say they were joined at the hip.  Each knew what the other needed with­out words.  They were safe with each oth­er’s se­crets.  They knew be­fore they asked.  They loved each other to the blue ponies and back, and will for­ever. 

 Flow­ers are not needed but if you asked Chloe it would be her wish for the com­mu­nity to step up in the ef­forts of sav­ing the lives of shel­tered dogs and un­shel­tered peo­ple.  Chloe had the biggest heart I’ve ever seen with re­gards for the un­der­dogs of the world.  Spon­sor­ing a dog for adop­tion in her name would make her smile.  We love and miss you lil’ one. 

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