The businesses listed here are located within the town of Jay or are located nearby in the surrounding towns.
We encourage you to visit and support these local businesses.
Dave's Dry Wall & Painting
Dave Sanders, 1739 Cross Rd, Jay, VT 05859, 802.988.4193,
Drywall and Painting services Specialize in drywall repairs.
No job too small or too large, call for estimate.
H Morse & Son, Excavating
Jeff Morse, Morse Rd, Jay VT 05859
Cell 802.309.0645
OwnersOperator - Free Estimates, Call Jeff before going elsewhere! No job too small!
Foundations, Septic, Driveways, Top Soil, Crushed Stone, Gravel
Old Jay Montgomery Road, Jay, VT
Contact: Martin Clements. 802 274-0946
Wayne O'Donnell - Carpentry Services
539 Sargents Way
Jay, VT 05859
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