Jay Area Food Shelf
Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM

The Jay Area Community Food Shelf is available to members of the greater Jay community (residents of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield) based on a need basis. It is located in the Jay Community Center at the Jay Town Clerk's office and is open Thursdays from 9:00 am- noon.

The Jay Area Community Food Shelf is manned by volunteer Kim Arel Lucier (Director)
Visit Kim on Thursday mornings to sign up and/or see what types of services are available

Want to help but don't know how? 
Donate on-line or take a check to Jay Town Hall, A $50 donation buys 500 lbs of food.
Suggestions include: Every time you do your weekly shopping  buy 1 or 2 items for the food shelf and once a month drop them off at the Jay Town Hall. Or when emptying your pockets of change put them in a special jar and take to Jay Town Hall once a month. Jay Town Clerk, Lynnette Deatte will be happy to give your donations to Kim Arel. A great way to teach your children the value of helping out community members in need.

While planting your garden this year, plant an extra row of beans, corn, carrots, lettuce, spinach, beets, cukes, summer & winter squash, potatoes etc for the Food Shelf.
Non-Perishable Foods Needed:- No Glass Please!
Canned - Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, & Soups. Peanut Butter, Macaroni & Cheese, Evaporated Milk, Dry Powdered Milk, Nutritional Liquid Supplements, Rice, Pasta, Dry Cereals (Hot & Cold), Dried Fruits, Pasta Sauce, Coffee, Tea, 100% Juices (can or plastic containers), as well as Dish & Laundry Detergent, Paper Goods, Cleaning Supplies, Disposable Diapers (Child & Adult), Tooth Brushes, Tooth Paste, Deodorant , Bath Soap, and don't forget the animals, Dog or Cat Food is always appreciated.

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